Participate in Let's Go Swapping, an interactive Art installation at 1UV Gallery Studio
We are smothering and burying ourselves alive in textiles. People in Countries all over the globe are marginalized and die in the process of garment and textile manufacture, disposal and recycling. The irony of the situation is the majority of persons who die in this process live in Countries like India, Bangladesh, Chile, and Guatemala with rich cultural histories of creating some of the most beautiful and long lasting textiles throughout human history. These Artistic practices have been usurped by the manufacture of low quality "disposable" textiles for the fast fashion industry. It's a hard pill to swallow when you consider the items in your closet and the piles of used and even new garments that end up in giant landfills all over the globe.
Shopping is still fun and “new” items are still needed. Visit 1UV during regular business hours and consider the implications of textile consumption in a fun and creative way. Interact with the Let's Go Swapping Art installation.
Bring (up to) 5 items of clothing from you or your loved one(s) wardrobe that are clean and still in great shape to swap out with items in the installation. The items you bring must be clean and in new to excellent (used) condition. You must leave a piece to take a piece and to take a piece you must leave a piece. Find new treasure for yourself or your loved one(s), lower your carbon foot print and save some money while considering the impact of fast fashion and consumption practices across the globe.
Items for sale at 1UV ARE NOT part of the installation.
Changing Room available.