This content is available for 1UV P/Matrons. Click here to purchase your plan. With fall upon us and winter around the corner illness is also knocking at our door. Some of us, like myself, do not relish taking syrups, pills and injections filled with strange laboratory derived and synthesized chemicals. I trust in mother nature. I'm not a licensed medical practitioner but I have spent years in personal study of herbs and herbal medicine. Trial and error with my own body coupled with a library of books and the periodic workshop have informed my choices. That being said, this article and recipe should not be used in place of professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Some herbs can react with medications. All of the ingredients in this recipe can be purchased in your local holistic grocer and/or herbal apothecary. With the exception of the vodka, I found the ingredients for this recipe at Staff of Life in Santa Cruz. Click on each ingredient for online information discussing the benefits and applications of each individual herb.
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